Sunday, October 21, 2012

Do No Evil

Google's informal corporate motto Don't Be Evil sometimes incorrectly stated as Do No Evil
That's one of the umpteen things the Google guys where smart about.They did not draw a line on  whats evil and what's not.
Parsing your mails and keeping a tab on what you search using there omnipresent search engine  and then showing up advertisement that are relevant to you does not fall in their evil do list.
What is evil.Well i am not going to bore you with the all the philosophical answers...
Surprisingly i think i  know the answer to the question and i ll get to that.(Well these days i think i know the answer to almost everything for everything else there is Google )
In Kite Runner one of the handful books that i have read the author talks about the worst sin being theft."When you lie to somebody you steal the right to know the truth.when you kill somebody you steal their life" and it goes on...
In one of the many casual debates we had in our college about useless stuff one such topic was
using pirated software is fine just because we are software engineers but not downloading songs of the internet is not to be frowned upon.Hah!!
What is right and wrong?
The answer to that i say is Its your choice.Its your convenience.Like it do it .Dont like it dont do it.Simple isn't it .But like always its isn't.Because somethings that you might want to do are bad
So then how do you decide
A group of my friends say eating onion is wrong and others love chicken.A businessman makes his livelihood by cheating others ..OK that was a very crudely put but its the harsh reality.Yeah i understand you can do a business ethically but then u are reducing your profits and let me tell you having a family as big as mine and most of them having business the main reason why people do a business is to increase their profits not because they want to see a change in the world For them the only change they would be happy about would be if the change is in their bank balance.Well not bank balance also since most of the money is not green .And i don't blame them the buyer should be smart enough to make a right decision  himself.(That's the business man in me talking)
Well killing mosquitoes during the rainy season that are spreading the dengue in bangalore is not right according to my mom but well as i see it its the survival of the fittest... Its either me or me with dengue and i hate the smell of hospitals so with a mosquito racket(Made in china... of course) every day i kill mosquitoes that are breeding next to my house thanks to the Bhel corner next to my place that dumps all its waste down the road and thanks to the BBMP who are not cleaning it.
And coming back to the worst sin I beg to differ from Khalid Hosseini the guy who wrote Kite Runner .
The worst sin is the one you know about and you still do it .
Knowing that wasting food is bad and still doing it is a crime.Well i did not realize this until my last days at college where my roommate never wasted a single morsel of food (even though the food was not edible)
Everybody has done some terrible things in their past (Yeah me too!!!) but then i did not know about them then (at least a few).
But doing something wrong even after you know that it ain't right is the biggest crime.Doing wrong not necessarily include you doing bad to someone It could be just you doing bad to yourself
Not taking care of what you eat even after knowing you are overweight is one of the sins that a lot of people do today things(Including my mom :p).Smoking even after the carton has a big scorpion saying smoking kills is one of the things that i don't comprehend how smoker fail to notice Actually failing to notice would not be a bad thing The bad thing is noticing it and still ignoring it .(And there goes half of my readers who will never come back)
Ignorance is not bliss when it you are affected by it.Not switching of computer at end of day and just putting it to sleep could save enough power to may be power a street light under which the next Narayan Murthy might be reading (sorry for the exaggeration:))
I have started listening to english songs And as i understand from my friends who have  been listening to english songs for a long time  Linkin Park is for school kids.So if you dont like them anymore just watch the video with the mute on :) What I've Done
Till Next time DO NO EVIL